haris.tv feedburnerHaris.tv is now fully Feedburned! I’m gonna share the setup I’ve used and hope that it will provide some time saving tips for anyone who wants to do the same.

A summary of the steps I’m going to cover
1. Register with Feedburner (free)
2. Setup one Autodiscovery feed
3. Redirect requests for old feed using FeedSmith Plugin
4. Add chicklets to your site.

OK then, I hope you’re sitting comfortably, away we go! (more…)

Up until yesterday Haris.tv was using a plugin that provided visitors with an array of social bookmarking options that I decided, on review, was cluttering up the page layout. I chose to scrap it in favour of a cleaner and simpler design.

Click to Toggle

I wanted to provide visitors with a quick and easy method of sharing articles on Haris.tv but at the same time I didn’t want to clutter the layout.
